Time Tokens Magnetic Storage Box Set

Regular price $27.00
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Time tokens magnetic box set
Time tokens screen time aid
Time tokens set
Time tokens set

The fun, simple pack that helps you manage your child's screen time.

Here’s how it works ….

  • Inside the handy magnetic storage pack you’ll find a bunch of stuff including a welcome note, TimeTokens cards, Golden Ticket, Wallet, LCD timer and the all important Promise Contract!

  • You and your child agree the total amount of screen time allowed each week and sign the Promise contract together.

  • Now your child is in charge.

  • Whenever they want some screen time they hand over TimeTokens from their wallet, let’s say the one for 30 minutes, and start their timer. When the timer beeps, that’s the end of their 30 minutes.

    When all the TimeTokens in their wallet are used up, no more screen time until next week when their wallet is filled up again… so lots of time for other stuff.

    Each TimeTokens Pack contains:
    • Promise Contract
    • 19 TimeTokens cards (7 hours in 5 time denominations)
    • Digital LCD Timer (battery included)
    • Golden Ticket
    • Introduction to The Frazzles 

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